Monday, March 19, 2012

Cycling Enthusiast-Journey to Cameron Highland

We are crazy? No, I don't think so...;)
My friend from Kg. Manjoi
        Last weekend Cameron Highland is the place that start to bear in mind. Am I ready to cycle to Cameron Highland? The answer is YES! I just woke up early in the morning at 7.30. Prepare my bicycle, glove, helmet, and hydration pack. After that, cycle to my buddy house at Kg. Manjoi. He will be with me today to climb to Cameron Highland. Both of us are crazy? Not sooo crazy..;)

The challenge start here..;)
       Before we start the journey, we also met two other cyclist heading to same road like us. They are solo rider. Yes I think they are heading to Cameron Highland just like us..;) As you can see the picture the road is start to give us their true colours. For us this is just a challenge not to be worried..;p

Take picture first! Hooyah!

       After we take pictures, we need to hurry since time is running out. There could be rain or injuries will be apart of major challenge to arrive at Cameron Highland. Without expecting so much challenge we are force to change gear to the lightest gear as our leg feel so much painful cycling to the front road. I think this is the toughest road that we ever climb before. Sadly it will more waiting for us in front. Huh..!

     After take our time to climb, we cycle slowly to restore our energy. Then we found waterfall in front of us and we need to reshuffle back our trip..;p

Waterfall on our way to Cameron Highland..;)
     We bring our bicycle there and decide to take a break. We need to think whether we can climb or not, will we see a lot of more vertical road need to be climb, or it is dangerous for just for both of us?.

Our bicycle also need a rest..;p (nice picture!)

          After a short discussion, we decide to continue our journey rather then turn back. We feel that we have recover back our energy after we think we should feel the cool and fresh air at Cameron Highland.

We start cycling slowly...

Always rest for 5-10  minutes if we feel tired
  What was surprised in our journey is, many people drive that pass us will give us a honk or will shouted at us. Children also participate and say hye to us. There are some lorry driver from other side yelled at us. Then without we realize also people snap our picture! For me no matter what they gonna say, I take that as encouragement for us to reach our destination. Even Orang Asli also give us a clap. Sound like we are in Le Tour De Langkawi man!

About to arrive
    In our way to reach there we bring a lot of water. I bring 3 litre hydration pack plus bread, Gatorade and 100 plus. I drink a lot and the supply is not enough! As a conclusion next time we need pannier bag because our journey is quite long and so much challenging. Sometimes we sleep just side of the road and we drink a lot but no energy bar or food. There is so many mistakes we do and we learn from this trip.

   At last we arrive at the destination that we target to arrive. This place is favorite place for lorry driver to stop and rest. There is also JKR side office there purposely for road maintenance. Is about 2km or 3km to arrive the signage of "Welcome to Cameron Highland". But since we didn't bring anything as our preparation and time constraint. We decide just to stop here and snap a few pictures. Time is about 4.45pm.
Exausted but fully satisfied and will repeat

Rest for a while and heading back to Simpang Pulai
      Expected challenge for going down is just like the climb. But this is the best reward for us! just imagine we going down without need to cycle and we are about 30km/h or 40km/h. Imagine we are about an hour arrive at Pos Slim and Kampung Juang. rather than climb about six hours! Word cannot imagine what I feel. Come and join us for the next trip to feel the excitement!


  1. kayuh yob kayoh!lain kali aku join korang..hehehe(",)

  2. wahhhh... ada bawak balik strawberry tak?

  3. Hehe..tkder la dhiya, tak sempat..:)
